About Karen Malyon

With over 30 years of experience in the Early Years and Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) sectors, I bring a lifetime of leadership, passion, and expertise to Perch: Building Resilience Together.

My journey has taken me across the globe—from directing kindergartens in South Africa and England to leading transformative initiatives like the JAG - Whole of Child philosophy at state and national levels in Australia. At every step, I’ve remained dedicated to fostering children’s well-being and empowering the educators, parents, and leaders who shape their lives.

Leadership and collaboration have always been at the heart of my work. Whether building cohesive teams, creating inclusive and sensory-appropriate environments, or delivering excellence through educational workshops, my focus has been on empowering others to create meaningful change.

Through Perch, I value working with educators, leaders, and parents to address the growing need to support ‘Big Behaviours’ and build resilience—within individuals, relationships, and communities.

I believe change starts with Mental Fitness: the ability to deeply understand oneself, ask the right questions, and take intentional steps toward growth. I call this Mental Fitness

because lasting change requires us to transform from within before we can expect others or our environments to shift.

With these tools, Perch can help reduce overwhelm, combat burnout, and foster connection—ultimately creating positive outcomes for children and the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and citizens.

Pursuing a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), I am more inspired than ever to support education teams, leaders, and parents in creating positive outcomes for children—the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and citizens. Together, we can create brighter futures and leave a legacy of resilience, compassion, and growth for generations to come.